5. Large Data Input and Output

All project authors contributed to this assignment in equal parts.

5.1 - NetCdf Output

5.1.1 - Installing and linking NetCdf

Since both authors use MacOS, we simply installed NetCdf using Homebrew:

brew install netcdf

We then made following changes to the SConstruct file:

conf = Configure(env)
if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader('netcdf', 'netcdf.h','C'):
    print ('Did not find the netcdf library, exiting!')
env = conf.Finish()

This tells scons to check if the netcdf library is installed on the system. If it is, we can proceed.

At the end of our SConstruct file, we add the library to each executable:

env.Program( target = 'build/tsunami_lab',
         source = env.sources + env.standalone,
         LIBS='netcdf', LIBPATH='.' )

env.Program( target = 'build/tests',
         source = env.sources + env.tests,
         LIBS='netcdf', LIBPATH='.' )

env.Program( target = 'build/sanitychecks',
         source = env.sources + env.sanitychecks,
         LIBS='netcdf', LIBPATH='.' )

We chose this implementation as it automatically works on most systems (at least Ubuntu, Windows and OSX) as long as the netcdf library was correctly installed. See Setup for download links.

5.1.2 - Writing netCDF files

As instructed, we created a NetCdf class within the tsunami_lab::io namespace. Its constructor takes the file path, amount of cells in x- and y-direction and the stride as its input. This is because those parameters will not change between calls of the write() function within the same instance.

In the setupFile() function, we start off by creating the file and filling arrays of x- and y-values:

(File: NetCdf.cpp)

m_err = nc_create(path,       // path
                  NC_CLOBBER, // cmode
                  &m_ncId);   // ncidp
m_outputFileOpened = true;

t_real *l_x = new t_real[m_nx];
t_real *l_y = new t_real[m_ny];

for (t_idx l_ix = 0; l_ix < m_nx; l_ix++)
    l_x[l_ix] = (l_ix + 0.5) * (m_simulationSizeX / m_nx) + m_offsetX;
for (t_idx l_iy = 0; l_iy < m_ny; l_iy++)
    l_y[l_iy] = (l_iy + 0.5) * (m_simulationSizeY / m_ny) + m_offsetY;

We then define the dimensions in following order:

  1. time with length NC_UNLIMITED

  2. x with length i_nx

  3. y with length i_ny

Next we define variables for each dimension and also for the height, momentum in x- and y-direction, the total height and the bathymetry. Since the code is very repetitive, we will only provide a code snippet for the time here:

m_err = nc_def_dim(m_ncId,       // ncid
                   "time",       // name
                   NC_UNLIMITED, // len
                   &m_dimTId);   // idp

//              [...]

m_err = nc_def_var(m_ncId,     // ncid
                   "time",     // name
                   NC_FLOAT,   // xtype
                   1,          // ndims
                   &m_dimTId,  // dimidsp
                   &m_varTId); // varidp

Lastly, we add attributes such as the units (not shown) and then write the x and y data:

m_err = nc_put_var_float(m_ncId,   // ncid
                         m_varXId, // varid
                         &m_x[0]); // op
m_err = nc_put_var_float(m_ncId,   // ncid
                         m_varYId, // varid
                         &m_y[0]); // op

Now onto the more interesting part, the actual writing process.

The write() function takes the output file path, the stride, pointers to the arrays of height, momentum in the x- and y-direction and the bathymetry, as well as the current time step.

If one of them is a nullptr, we just assume the values are zero and write them for completeness.

To write data, we used nc_put_var1_float to write the whole bathymetry on the first time step (since it doesn’t change) and the other values using nc_put_vara_float which takes a start offset and a count of how many values will be written. The issue we encountered here was that these functions do not support strided arrays. We are aware that functions like nc_put_vars_float and nc_put_varm_float allow for a stride parameter, however even after intensive research we were not able to implement those correctly. That being said we decided on a much simpler but probably (not tested) less performant option:

t_real *l_h = new t_real[m_nx * m_ny];
t_real *l_tH = new t_real[m_nx * m_ny];
t_real *l_hu = new t_real[m_nx * m_ny];
t_real *l_hv = new t_real[m_nx * m_ny];

int l_i = 0;
for (t_idx l_x = 0; l_x < m_nx; l_x++)
    for (t_idx l_y = 0; l_y < m_ny; l_y++)
        l_h[l_i] = i_h == nullptr ? 0 : i_h[l_x + l_y * i_stride];
        l_tH[l_i] = (i_h == nullptr ? 0 : i_h[l_x + l_y * i_stride])
                    + (i_b == nullptr ? 0 : i_b[l_x + l_y * i_stride]);
        l_hu[l_i] = i_hu == nullptr ? 0 : i_hu[l_x + l_y * i_stride];
        l_hv[l_i] = i_hv == nullptr ? 0 : i_hv[l_x + l_y * i_stride];

That is, ‘copying’ the arrays to new ones and removing the stride in the process.

Moving on, it is worth noting that we also implemented a timestepCount variable, serving as an index for the time steps. After each time the write() function is called, this counter is increased by 1. On the time axis, we start writing at the the current time index and only for 1 time step (hence the first entry of count is 1):

t_idx start[] = {m_timeStepCount, 0, 0};
t_idx count[] = {1, m_nx, m_ny};

The other values start at 0 along the x- and y-axis. The count specifies how many values will be written, which is the amount of cells since we want to save all values.

Thanks to this implementation, we can call the write() function even with non-consecutive (however still strictly monotonically increasing) time steps since their index is counted separately and has no relation with the actual time step value.

All that is left to do is to actually write the values like so:

m_err = nc_put_vara_float(m_ncId,

nc_put_vara_float takes the nc and variable id, the start and count values and the data pointer as input.

5.2 - NetCdf Input

5.2.1 - ArtificialTsunami2d

Following equations were given:

\[\begin{split}\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \text{d}(x, y) & = & 5 \cdot f(x)g(y) \\ \text{f}(x) & = & \sin\left(\left(\frac{x}{500}+1\right) \cdot \pi\right) \\ \text{g}(y) & = & -\left(\frac{y}{500}\right)^2 + 1 \end{aligned}\end{split}\end{split}\]

(File: ArtificialTsunami2d.cpp)


tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::ArtificialTsunami2d::computeD(t_real i_x,
                                                                   t_real i_y) const
    if (i_x >= -500 && i_x <= 500 && i_y >= -500 && i_y <= 500)
        return (5 * computeF(i_x) * computeG(i_y));
        return 0;

First we check if the i_x and i_y are in the area for computing the displacement. Afterwards it calls both the computeF and computeG function:


tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::ArtificialTsunami2d::computeF(t_real i_x) const
    return (sin((i_x / 500 + 1) * m_pi));


tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::ArtificialTsunami2d::computeG(t_real i_y) const
    return (-((i_y / 500) * (i_y / 500)) + 1);

For the bathymetry we return -100 + computeD(i_x, i_y).

5.2.2 - NetCDF read

The read function first checks for x and y dimensions and gets the respective IDs:

// get dimension ids
checkNcErr(nc_inq_dimid(l_ncIdRead, "x", &l_varXIdRead));
checkNcErr(nc_inq_dimid(l_ncIdRead, "y", &l_varYIdRead));
// read dimension size
checkNcErr(nc_inq_dimlen(l_ncIdRead, l_varXIdRead, &l_nx));
checkNcErr(nc_inq_dimlen(l_ncIdRead, l_varYIdRead, &l_ny));

We then create the data arrays for the x, y and z values and fill them with the file data:

t_real *l_xData = new t_real[l_nx];
checkNcErr(nc_get_var_float(l_ncIdRead, l_varXIdRead, l_xData));

t_real *l_yData = new t_real[l_ny];
checkNcErr(nc_get_var_float(l_ncIdRead, l_varYIdRead, l_yData));

t_real *l_data = new t_real[l_nx * l_ny];
checkNcErr(nc_get_var_float(l_ncIdRead, l_varDataIdRead, l_data));

Lastly, we need to add stride into the array:

t_real *l_stridedArray = new t_real[l_nx * l_ny];
int l_i = 0;
for (std::size_t l_ix = 0; l_ix < l_nx; l_ix++)
    for (std::size_t l_iy = 0; l_iy < l_ny; l_iy++)
        l_stridedArray[l_ix + l_iy * l_nx] = l_data[l_i++];

5.2.3 -TsunamiEvent2d

Following setup is given:

\[\begin{split}\begin{split}\begin{split} h &= \begin{cases} \max( -b_\text{in}, \delta), &\text{if } b_\text{in} < 0 \\ 0, &\text{else} \end{cases}\\ hu &= 0\\ hv &= 0\\ b &= \begin{cases} \min(b_\text{in}, -\delta) + d, & \text{ if } b_\text{in} < 0\\ \max(b_\text{in}, \delta) + d, & \text{ else}. \end{cases} \end{split}\end{split}\end{split}\]


Input are paths for bathymetry and displacement, netCdf instance and the stride value.

We first read the bathymetry and displacements from the files:

i_netCdf->read(i_bathymetryPath, "z", m_nxB, m_nyB, &m_xDataB, &m_yDataB, &m_b);
i_netCdf->read(i_displacementPath, "z", m_nxD, m_nyD, &m_xDataD, &m_yDataD, &m_d);

The computational domain is also negative, therefore we check where the last negative value in the array is. This shall lead to a more efficient computation. We do this for bathymetry and displacement.

 if (m_xDataB[0] < 0 && m_xDataB[m_nxB-1] > 0)
    for (t_idx l_ix = 1; l_ix < m_nxB; l_ix++)
        if (m_xDataB[l_ix - 1] < 0 && m_xDataB[l_ix] >= 0)
            m_lastNegativeIndexBX = l_ix - 1;
if (m_yDataB[0] < 0 && m_yDataB[m_nyB-1] > 0)
    for (t_idx l_iy = 1; l_iy < m_nyB; l_iy++)
        if (m_yDataB[l_iy - 1] < 0 && m_yDataB[l_iy] >= 0)
            m_lastNegativeIndexBY = l_iy - 1;

getBathymetry and getDisplacement

We check if the point is within the file definde domain.

if(i_x < m_xDataD[0] || i_x > m_xDataD[m_nxD-1] || i_y < m_yDataD[0] || i_y > m_yDataD[m_nyD-1]) return 0;

There are two loops in which we look for the index of the closest values to our point.

t_idx l_x = 0;
t_idx l_ix = i_x >= 0 ? m_lastNegativeIndexDX : 1;
for (; l_ix < m_nxD; l_ix++)

    if (m_xDataD[l_ix] > i_x)
        if (abs(m_xDataD[l_ix] - i_x) > abs(m_xDataD[l_ix - 1] - i_x))
            l_x = l_ix - 1;
            l_x = l_ix;

t_idx l_y = 0;
t_idx l_iy = i_y >= 0 ? m_lastNegativeIndexDY : 1;
for (; l_iy < m_nyD; l_iy++)
    if (m_yDataD[l_iy] > i_y)
        if (abs(m_yDataD[l_iy] - i_y) > abs(m_yDataD[l_iy - 1] - i_y))
            l_y = l_iy - 1;
            l_y = l_iy;
return m_d[l_x + m_nxD * l_y];

For the following functions we implemented the equations from above:


t_real l_bath = getBathymetryFromArray(i_x, i_y);
if (l_bath < 0)
    return (std::max(-l_bath, m_delta));
    return 0;


t_real l_bath = getBathymetryFromArray(i_x, i_y);
t_real l_displ = getDisplacementFromArray(i_x, i_y);
if (l_bath < 0)
    return std::min(l_bath, -m_delta) + l_displ;
    return std::min(l_bath, m_delta) + l_displ;

5.2.4 - comparison of TsunamiEvent2d and ArtificialTsunami2d


We can observe, that both setups behave equally.

